Monday, August 23, 2010

What you think about the latin name " Renata " ?

For a spanish or italian girl sound great, at least that's what i think

What you think about the latin name " Renata " ?
The name Renata means "born again" it was a very popular name for early Christians when they changed names upon Baptism. It is still a very popular name especially in Europe.(male--Renatus) I hope it helps.
Reply:I don't like it.
Reply:Reborn, born again, since nato/nata is born (male/female).

In French : Ren茅/Ren茅e


Meaning: Reborn

This is the popularity rate of the name:

Stats: 134 have RENATA on their Favorite Name List

401 rated this name

156 have this name

30 wish they had this name

18 gave this name to their child

Reply:Not good.
Reply:I personally love the name " Renata " The meaning of the name is to be reborn.
Reply:I have always liked "Renata". I think it is an exotic and strong name

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