We are talking Guinea Africa not New Guinea. All I know is it stands maybe 3 or 4 feet tall, has a prominent ridge on its bill (I wouldn't know if it's too big to be a Hornbill) lives inland by marshy bits and has reddish shoulders. Also the call is so rhythmic as to give rise to the Mandinka rhythm named after it, Dibon. Looking for English or Latin Name
The bird called Dibon. This is not the Latin name but the local (?Malink茅) name.?
The 'Dibon' or 'Dibbon' is the Abyssinian Ground-hornbill [Latin: Bucorvus abyssinicus] (also known as Northern Ground-hornbill). It lives in the Northern tributaries of the River Niger in Guinea and the Sahel of Sub-Saharan Africa.
The dibon pairs for life, and the pairs of birds spend the night sleeping in separate trees and early in the morning call to each other. The local people have found the calls of the dibon so complelling that supposedly up to 40% of the rhythms played in the local traditions in the range of the dibon are based on these calls.
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