i'm trying to find out if there is an official name for the fear/phobia of paper, and if there isnt i'm going to make it up!
What is the latin name for 'paper'?
Latin for paper is 'charta', as in that famous big bit of paper (though when I saw it on display in Salisbury it wasn't so big after all, its just the writing on it was tiny) - the "magna charta".
Papyrus, as some have pointed out, is a Greek word. That pesky 'y' gives the game away.
'phobia' is Greek as well, and therefore philologists prefer to attach other Greek words to it, not Latin ones.
Reply:Papyrophobia is the word u r looking for, since for Romans the corresponding thing to paper was papyrus....
PS. i didn't know such a phobia existed....
Reply:Papyrophobia has been mentioned so I don't need to repeat it. Nevertheless the word has Egyptian roots and the Greek form was papyros which was latinised into papyrus. The papyrus plant was also referred to as bublos in ancient Greece and that is the root words like bible, bibliophil and so on.
The names of fears are often Greek not Latin e.g. Arachnophobia (give me a word, any word and I will prove to you how the root of this word is Greek) ;-)
Reply:hi, Papyrophobia is the official name for the Fear of paper and papyrus is the latin word for paper. ;)
Reply:Papyrophobia : Fear of paper
Vacansopapuroso-phobia : Fear of blank paper
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