Depends on what rat. Rattus. Lilke Rattus Novergicus, the brown rat. (The first album of the Stranglers was called Rattus Norvegicus, because the rat was a symbol for punk)
What is the Latin name for a rat?
Ratus of course
Reply:raticus horribulasis
Reply:Latin name of rat is Neotoma cinerea
Reply:It is indeed ratus
Reply:Rattus Rattus (Black Rat - also known as the Ship Rat)
Rattus Novegicus (Common Brown Rat)
Reply:spaghetti, you've got the wrong language there.
I can only say mouse (muscus), sorry.
Reply:mus, however I can't tell you whether that is the spelling for each gender and I can't tell you what the plural is
Reply:slimeous cheatus mannus
Reply:El Ratino.
Reply:The common name for a regular old NYC rat is "Rattus norvegicus".
These are the types found in North American sewers, old apartments, or running across the street late at night. Their common name is 'Norway rat', 'brown rat', etc. There are many other types of rats (endemic to Australia, Brazil, rainforests, deserts, etc). While they go by the same genus name, "Rattus", they all have different species names.
Reply:If it's a male it's called EL RATON, if it's a female it's called LA RATA, if they are baby rats then you say EL RATONSITO or LA RATONSITA.
Reply:rattus rattus is the latin for The Black Rat (Rattus rattus, also known as the Asian Black Rat, Ship Rat, Roof Rat or House Rat) is a common long-tailed rodent of the genus Rattus
Reply:ratus ratus ( and no i am not taking the mick)
Reply:rattus - genus of rats
mus - genus of mice
Reply:A rat is any one of about 56 different species of small, omnivorous rodents belonging to the genus Rattus.
Reply:Bushy-tailed Wood Rat
Neotoma cinerea
Mice, Voles %26amp; Rats
New World Mice %26amp; Rats (Cricetidae)
Measurement: Size: 40-42 cm Weight: 350-400 g (12.5-14 oz)
Reply:rattus rattus
Reply:A Rattus!!
Reply:Here's the dictionary entry of Webster Dictionary:
Main Entry:1rat
Etymology:Middle English, from Old English r*t; akin to Old High German ratta rat and perhaps to Latin rodere to gnaw 鈥?more at RODENT
Date:before 12th century
1 a : any of numerous rodents (Rattus and related genera) differing from the related mice especially by considerably larger size b : any of various similar rodents
2 : a contemptible person: as a : one who betrays or deserts friends or associates b : SCAB 3b c : INFORMER 2
3 : a pad over which a woman's hair is arranged
4 : a person who spends much time in a specified place *a mall rat*
鈥搑at拢like \-*l*k\ adjective
Will this answer your question?
Reply:Rattus Rattus, Rattus Norvegicus.
Reply:ratusus crapeater
Reply:Ratticus Downdrainicus.
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